Monday, April 11, 2011

My Exit From Camp

I'm sure by now most people know that I am no longer in the Launch Program at Hidden Acres Christian Camp.  Some people know why and some have heard false stories.  I just want to clear up everything.  I left because I felt that I was not growing in the Lord.  There was also a situation that occurred that I felt I could no longer be around.  I wish the rest of the students luck on the program.  I hope you enjoyed my last thought. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Assignment #22

Give an example of an team building process you gone through in a job. 

The team building process I have experienced is reinforcement.  This happened at the best job I have ever had at the Hampton Inn.  Working at this hotel is interesting because most of the employees are only there during the day.  So when I got in for 2nd shift I worked alone.  (Which I loved.)  I loved the regular guests that I had.  It was just great all over.  Hampton Inn came out with a competition that lasted a few months.  It was called "catch me at my best."  The guests fill out what they saw us doing for other guests or themselves or just with our co-workers.  It made us feel good that our guests saw how much we care about them.   It really made us think about our guests.  Even though it was a competition it was fun and everyone got involved.  Greatest job ever!  I hope you enjoyed my thoughts.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Assignment #21

I took a personal assessment and now I am to list the three things I agree with and at least one that I do not agree with. 

In the description of the assessment of me I am called an inspector.  The one word that best describes me is super dependable.  I would agree with this because my close friends say that they can depend on me.  Most of my jobs that I have had I have also been called very dependable by my bosses.  In my work situations I try to take as many hours as I can and I fill in for people when they have emergencies or vacations.  My bosses have also told me to slow down or I will become overworked but when situations arise that I can get more hours it just makes more sense to me to work longer because when I go home I'm bored anyways. 

I have a greater need for private time.  I agree with this statement as well.  I am very independent and like having quiet time with myself.  I like being able to make decisions for myself and doing them.  When going into town for shopping I prefer going alone because I can leave whenever I want but when going with a group we have to set a time to be ready and if someone isn't ready then we leave later.  One of my biggest pet peeves is being late.  I try to arrive at least 10 min early to anything I go to. 

The last thing I will agree with is that I will assume a great deal of responsibility.  When I know what is expected and I feel very confident of the task or project I definitely like being in charge.  I have been known to take on too much at a time but everything works out for the best. 

The one thing I disagree with is the field of work that attracts me.  This test says that I would do best in finance, insurance underwriter, office manager, or bank examiner.  Not one of these is anything like I want to do in life.  I am horrible at math and really suck at spelling so these jobs would not suite me at all.  I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Assignment #20

Being an expressive personality how would I relate to our guests, staff, and development of the camp? 

When relating with our guests here at camp I put their needs first and foremost before any of my own needs.  I think if I were more approachable then I could work more with the guests when they are here and make sure everything is taken care of but unfortunately I am shy when around bigger groups of people I don't know. 

When working and relating with my fellow co-workers I think that I am a bit hard to work with.  I can be strong in my opinions of what I think should happen instead of listening to  others and what they know and has worked for years.  I don't like taking directions from people who shouldn't really be giving me things to do but I need to start thinking that I am not doing it for that person but for the camp, its guests, and the Lord.  If I were a real expressive person I would be able to work with anyone and be very enthusiastic about it all. 

For development around the camp I have a few different ideas but most of them don't work for this area.  As a Launch student I will have to complete a project for camp in May.  I have an idea thus far but I would like to expand on it.  However, I am not great with building things so I may end up keeping it simple.  I also have to keep in mind that after Launch is over I won't be around to keep it up.  I had a plan starting a garden but that takes a lot of work that the full time staff here just don't have the time for.  The reason I wanted it was so the kitchen could have fresh produce to use but overall its just not worth it. 

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Assignment #19

We are going to visit Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp in Story City tomorrow and we each have to ask four questions.

My first question is about winter activities and how do they plan on attracting more people to the camp.  We personally have added a lot of different winter activities for people to do this year.  I have noticed that they don't have many retreats set up for December and January and I would like to know if that is just because they are usually slow or do they prefer not having groups out there due to their lack of activities. 

The second question I have for them  has to do with their summer staff.  Do they get enough applications or do they have to go out and look for summer councilors?  Also, being a Lutheran Camp do they only allow Lutherans to work on full time staff or summer staff?

Thirdly I was curious to know who comes up with their summer camp theme?  I didn't know if they all come together or if they have one or two people working on that.  Along with this question is the person(s) who do this also hire summer staff?

Finally, has the camp suffered from the economy having problems?  Have you seen a decrease in children coming out for summer camps?

These are the questions I will be asking tomorrow at Riverside.  I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Assignment #18

Give a SWOT analysis on Hidden Acres.  SWOT stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. 

When looking at Hidden Acres and our strengths we are good at taking care of guests and their needs.  We all know that if our guests are not happy they could decide to not come back in the future.  Our food is always a high point for our guests. 

For weaknesses I think that our unity as a camp need a lot of work.  We tend to blame one another and not take responsibility for our own mistakes.  The teamwork here is almost non existent.  People are out for their own gain.  Some of our facilities could use some work.  Another weakness here at Hidden Acres is that some people are spread really thin that don't have the time to complete simple maintenance around the camp. 

I don't really know of any opportunities that we are missing out on.  We cover a lot and we allow just about anyone to come out to camp. 

The weather is a threat being in the Midwest we deal with tornadoes and flooding just about every year.  We also have to deal with the government and their policies.  We have to be very careful with our bookkeeping records just in case the government comes in wanting to look over things.  But we have an amazing financial director so I feel confident that we are good in that department.
I hope you enjoyed my thoughts.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Assignment #17

Name three measurable visions for Hidden Acres and explain how we will accomplish it with a timeline.

I have noticed that the horses are a big hit with younger people.  So I think that if we work on fixing up the fences and remodeling the barn it would really invite more people in.  This should be worked on over the winter and spring months to be ready by the Summer. 

Our food at camp is delicious.  However, I think if we had a remodel or a new building all together that would make us so much better.  With more room it makes us more capable of doing bigger retreats.  This could be accomplished by Summer 2013. 

I know I should have three but I can't really think of another one so I hope you enjoyed my thoughts.